Andrea B Designs

After many years in the corporate world of finance, a degree in Business and Management and later a Masters in Psychology, I finally made the break, moved to Portugal, became time rich, cash poor and developed a creative studio at my home in Portugal. My passion has always been to escape the rat race and explore my artistic potential. My original introduction to the creative world came via the ancient technique of glass lamp work, which entails melting and forming glass rods over a torch to produce beads. Glass still plays a large part in my creations. and spending many hours bent over a propane oxygen flame, melting glass and watching the lustrous colours develop opened up the pathway to other mediums, including alcohol ink, resin and mosaics. As a mixed media artist I now use myriad elements in my work, developing unique pieces of artwork and jewellery which continue to evolve. While studying at the Birmingham School of Jewellery I learnt the technique of electroforming. In the UK I studied lampwork and silversmith and in Athens sculptural mosaics and in Italy, Andamento. However, essentially being self-taught, many of my methods are experimental whilst combining traditional lamp work methods, mosaics, alcohol ink and resin producing both artwork and jewellery.