Andrea B Designs

Andrea_b_designs's picture
As a mixed media and contemporary glass artist I use myriad elements in my work developing unique pieces of artwork. I work with glass, mosaics, alcohol ink, paints, resin and various media to create totally unique artwork that harnesses the beautiful light that’s abundant in Portugal. Shimmery, with a 3d quality you experience a different perspective from each piece from every angle and at different times of the day. My work has been shown in the UK, Portugal and Beijing. Available direct or via galleries. In the UK I trained as a silversmith and glass lampwork artist, in Itlay; andamento and in Athens; sculptural mosaics.The combination is unique.
Artistic Mediums: 
Glass, resin, inks, smalti, print, acrylic, semi precious stones, marble, stone
Based in: 
United Kingdom