Kate Hanley Mosaics

Mixed-media mosaic art provides a medium through which I can design works that create a new way of seeing objects and their essence. The use of 3D substrates allows for exploration of shape and flow through the application of a variety of tiles, glass, metals, and other elements that blend or explode the meaning of the object. Integrating nontraditional elements into the design allows the scaffolding that is the basis of the piece to expand beyond what is expected. The approach may be playful or serious but is always meant to relay a story created by the inclusion of color, design, and handpicked components. The challenge is finding the tesserae that elevates the structure to new levels of narrative. In the beginning I created with animal skulls using beads, glass, and other elements to enhance their natural beauty and to tell the stories of their essential place in this world. Next came mannequins that transform into female superheroes with their purpose to protect and defend those who do not have the strength or the voice to protest. I am excited to find what will come next on my artistic journey.